I’m Back!!!!! After a long hiatus, lots of travel, time for myself and really figuring out what I want to do with Blake and Gold – I’ve decided to kick back into gear and get it going again.
I know the past few months I’ve been all over the place but I just really needed to take some time to figure out what is best for me. I was working at a job for many years and made a change. Moved to a new job I wasn’t happy at, lost that job, found a new job, and truthfully wanted to travel and enjoy my Summer (without always trying to take the perfect photo, edit and post, fix my Instagram grid…..and so on.) I also really want everyone to understand how much work goes into managing and creating a blog. I’ve spent so many countless hours shooting images, editing, writing posts, working on different collaborations, and trying my hardest to build a following. This is not an easy task, especially when you work full time in the fashion industry and have a very demanding full time job! I hate excuses, but, I’ve always maintained Blake and Gold to be my personal passion project…. an outlet I love to explore when I just want to run free with my creativity and share my fun outfits with you. I have to thank everyone for the support over the years because I could not do it without you!!!! I will keep grinding away, and continue to do my best to give you guys the best content I possibly can… while still being true to myself and always taking much needed breaks 🙂
So, with that being said, Fall is here and I’ve always felt a sort of fresh new energy with the season change. Not only am I a Fall baby (shout out to all my November birthday girls)…. but, I absolutely adore every single thing about this season. The leaves, crisp air, pumpkin everything, cinnamon sticks burning in my apartment, scarves, blazers, layers…. the list goes on and on and on. I figured I’d kick start my introduction back into Blake and Gold with one of my favorite Nordstrom anniversary dress purchases. This Halogen dress is giving me such Gucci vibes for a MUCH sharper price point 🙂 When I shot this outfit I actually thought to myself ‘this is so me in an outfit.” Between the headband, bootie, bow / feminine details, floral print…. epitome Arianna. I also think this would be great with a sweater layered on top (such as this one.) Happy to be back! Linked my entire outfit + more below. xx A
Photography Hallie Geller